![]() |
This is the complete list of members for Predator, including all inherited members.
accel_ | Ship | protected |
addHealth(unsigned int health) | Ship | |
alignment() const | Predator | private |
brake() | Ship | |
clampToMaxSpeed() | Ship | protected |
cohesion() const | Predator | private |
coolDown_ | Ship | protected |
debug_rect_ | Ship | |
fireCallback_ | Predator | private |
flock() const | Predator | private |
flock_ | Predator | privatestatic |
forward_ | Ship | protected |
getForward() const | Ship | |
getHealth() const | Ship | |
getMaxHealth() const | Ship | |
getRadarRange() const | Ship | |
getVelocity() const | Ship | |
health_ | Ship | protected |
isDead() const | Ship | |
MAX_HEALTH_ | Ship | protected |
MAX_SPEED_ | Ship | protected |
onCollide(Ship *other) override | Predator | virtual |
particleAngleVariance_ | Ship | protected |
particleEmitter_ | Ship | protected |
Predator(thor::ParticleSystem &particleSystem, std::function< void(Bullet *)> const &fireCallback, sf::Vector2f position) | Predator | |
prey_ | Predator | privatestatic |
radarRange_ | Ship | protected |
refireTime_ | Ship | protected |
separation() const | Predator | private |
setPrey(Ship *prey) | Predator | static |
setRadarRange(float range) | Ship | |
Ship(thor::ParticleSystem &particleSystem, sf::Vector2f const &position, float maxSpeed, unsigned int health=1u) | Ship | |
takeDamage(unsigned int amount=1u) | Ship | |
thrust() | Ship | |
thrust_ | Ship | protected |
ticks_ | Ship | protected |
tickToSec(unsigned int ticks) const | Ship | protected |
trigger() | Ship | |
turnLeft() | Ship | |
turnRight() | Ship | |
turnSpeed_ | Ship | protected |
turnToward(sf::Vector2f const &direction) | Ship | |
update() override | Predator | virtual |
updateParticleEmitter() | Ship | protectedvirtual |
velocity_ | Ship | protected |
~Predator() | Predator | |
~Ship() | Ship |