▼CCircleShape | |
CStar | Star class A super-lightweight sf::CircleShape wrapper, for drawing starry background |
CCollisionSystem | Collision System class. Provides collision checks for SFML ConvexShapes. Provides SAT collision for narrow-phase checks and bounding box collision for broad-phase checks |
▼CConvexShape | |
▼CBullet | Bullet class. A simple bullet that moves in a direction for a lifetime. Dies if it hits something |
CMissile | |
CPickup | Pickup class. A multi-purpose pickup that assists a Player or Predator. A pickup will add as much health as it can, then provide shields based on remaining value |
▼CShip | Base Ship class. Abstract class that inherits from sf::ConvexShape. Contains members common to all ships |
CAsteroid | Asteroid class. Asteroids are technically ships but do things a little differently. Constantly move forward at fixed speed, collisions impart some velocity change |
CMothership | |
CPlayer | Controllable player class. Has no AI behaviour. Controlled through keyboard input in Game::handleEvents() |
CPredator | |
CSwarmBoid | |
CGame | Game class. Updates and draws all ships and bullets. Culls dead bullets and ships |
CKeyInput | Keyboard handler class. Holds and handles all key inputs. Should be updated with game and then queried for keys |
CSplashScreen | |
CTiledBackdrop | |
▼CView | |
CCamera | Camera class. Camera that can follow target a ship. Zoom and Independent movement also possible. Handles drawing of HUD, only if a ship is targeted |
CXController | Xbox Controller class, not currently used |